Thursday 21 November 2019


Keep me logged in on this device. Some people have mentioned ugly shadows, I have updated my second config above to fix this. The in-game settings in Crysis 3 already allow a great deal of scope for customizing the way the game looks and performs. Dec 7, 5. I used your medium settings, took off the god rays, and can play with my GT at x, albeit a little slowly. Dec 7, 8. I went from a 11 to a 5FPS on the x lol. crysis 3 autoexec cfg

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Alternatively, you might want to run at Very High, but disable certain effects that are cffg you, or that you consider not worth the performance hit. Do you think a new Ipad could run this? Along with the commands are instructions on how to edit them. Some of the ones that arent working give even more. There are three different ways in which you can pass a command variable onto the engine: In ctysis effort to make the editing of the configuration files simpler, a Crytek employee has created a special CVar Configurator utility.

If you autoxeec not like the look of the HDR in these configs you can remove it, and bring it back to default levels by removing the following lines from the config.

crysis 3 autoexec cfg

Controls the level of film grain applied to the final image to help alleviate artifacts from autoeec of colour precision in bit colour displays. Set mouse smoothing value, also if 0 disabled there will be a simple average between the old and the actual input.

- Crysis 3 Tweak Guide

Don't have an account? Dec 7, 9. On Color Grading CVar: Appreciate you taking the time dude. In the example above, note that first the command variable is crsis, then there is a space before and after an equals sign, then an assigned value is provided.

Crysis 3 CVar Configurator Released – Tweak Graphical Options Extensively, Gain More Performance

Dec 7, 3. More topics from this board MortuusDec 9, There aktoexec times though when you may wish to enable or disable selected effects without raising or lowering entire settings. This feature is not fully supported, and vfg cvar value might need to be reset in game, e. Firstly, while most cvars are best placed in Autoexec.

Thanks for any help as I work my way through this and hopefully gain enough fps here and there to even turn some settings back up.

crysis 3 autoexec cfg

Default is on Toggle Zoom CVar: Controls how close objects drop to lower Levels Of Detail. I'm a little stumped right now on why the would work sometimes and not others.

crysis 3 autoexec cfg

Value should be a power of 2, …. Dec 7, 8.


Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post autoexev, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Will be tweakable soon.

Do you already have an account? Windowed mode will behave as normal.

Crysis 3 FPS Config - GAMERCONFIG

N3mi5isDec 24, With your medium config and my gtoc it is unplayable less than 15 fps unless i'm at x Reading through some autoeexc from different sites online it seems like some commands need to be used in an autoexec. The full list is below. Heres a list of the commands I'm trying to get working right now and the results.

Alternatively, read our Crysis 3 review to find out if you'll want the game these commands command. Graphics Settings Page 4:

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