Thursday, 28 November 2019


Illyria was an interesting character that didn't have a lot of time, so it was cool to learn more about her. A little bit out of universe, IMO - every once in a while these comics have a flashy finish that would have never been possible in the tv series and never feels like it should be possible according to the storyworld The ending is a bit unearned, but overall it works. Write a customer review. We are always happy to hear from you! Dec 31, Bob rated it really liked it. angel illyria haunted

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This one isn't even particularly interesting on the surface: Learn more about Amazon Prime. There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Product Details: Angel Illyria Haunted #3

Haunted comic, you can try surprise me link at top of page or select another comic like Angel: We are always happy to hear from you! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. It helps if the reader is more familiar with the Buffyverse, but the story is still relatively standalone. You are now reading Angel: Illyria was an interesting character that didn't have a lot of time, so it was cool to learn more about her.

angel illyria haunted

For additional information, see the Global Shipping Program terms and conditions - opens in a new window or tab. I like the character and illyia developing angst at what she's done to Fred. Mars Attacks IDW - 3, 1: But he can only do so much, and the end result can best be described as "meh". I also really loved the flashback moments!

Comic Angel: Illyria: Haunted issue 3

A solid short side note to the ongoing Angel saga. Please contact us through eBay to be connected to one of our comic collectors. Oct 29, Bert rated it it was ok Shelves: The story was fun and I've always loved Illyria.

Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. I enjoyed Buffy season 8 as much as I thought I would.

angel illyria haunted

It made me feel like I was illjria an episode of Angel. YOU the buyer should make the final determination based on the information presented. Though she's the star of this standalone, she spends too much time, well, being alone.

If we consider a comment is unreadable, it will be deleted 5. Amazon Renewed Like-new products you can trust.

angel illyria haunted

Get fast, free delivery with Amazon Prime. Which brings me to the art.

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The main character will go hauntdd a dramatic inner change that will help her embrace life again. Amazon Rapids Fun stories for kids on the go. Skip to main content. All original packaging such as boxes, bags, tags, and UPCs Comic s need to be shipped back with the cardboard protection in place as shipped to decrease likelihood of damages. It's the story I had always hoped to see, had Angel continued. Jul 28, Sarah added it Shelves: Jul 25, Magali rated it really liked it Shelves: Some rules to illyria when you post comments Your comments may be removed if they do not comply with any of the following rules.

Was looking forward to reading about how Fred got on in after the end of the TV series.

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